我们提出了GAAF(一种广义自动解剖器查找器),用于鉴定3D CT扫描中的通用解剖位置。GAAF是端到端管道,具有专用模块用于数据预处理,模型培训和推理。GAAF以核心使用自定义卷积神经网络(CNN)。CNN型号很小,轻巧,可以调整以适合特定应用。到目前为止,GAAF框架已经在头部和颈部进行了测试,并且能够找到解剖位置,例如脑干的质量中心。GAAF在开放式数据集中进行了评估,并且能够准确稳健地定位性能。我们所有的代码都是开源的,可在https://github.com/rrr-uom-projects/gaaf上找到。
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腹部器官分割是一项艰巨且耗时的任务。为了减轻临床专家的负担,非常需要完全自动化的方法。当前的方法由卷积神经网络(CNN)主导,但是计算要求和对大数据集的需求限制了其在实践中的应用。通过实施小而高效的自定义3D CNN,编译训练的模型并优化计算图:我们的方法可产生高精度分割(骰子相似性系数(%):肝脏:97.3 $ \ pm 1.3,肾脏:94.8 $ \ pm $ 3.6,$ 3.6,,$ 3.6,,$ 3.6,,,$ 3.6,,,$ 3.6,,,$ 3.6,,$ \ pm $ 3.6,,肝气脾脏:96.4 $ \ pm $ 3.0,pancreas:80.9 $ \ pm $ 10.1),每张图像1.6秒。至关重要的是,我们能够仅在CPU上执行细分推断(无需GPU),从而在没有专家硬件的情况下便利地促进模型的简单和广泛部署。
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使用卷积神经网络(CNNS)自动分割CT扫描中的器官 - AT风险(OARS),正在放疗工作流中。但是,这些细分仍需要在临床使用前进行临床医生的手动编辑和批准,这可能很耗时。这项工作的目的是开发一种工具,以自动识别3D OAR细分中的错误,而无需基础真相。我们的工具使用了结合CNN和图神经网络(GNN)的新型体系结构来利用分割的外观和形状。使用合成生成的腮腺分割数据集并使用逼真的轮廓错误的数据集对所提出的模型进行训练。通过消融测试评估我们的模型的有效性,评估了体系结构不同部分的功效,以及从无监督的借口任务中使用转移学习。我们最佳性能模型预测了腮腺上的错误,内部和外部错误的精度分别为85.0%和89.7%,召回66.5%和68.6%。该离线质量检查工具可以在临床途径中使用,有可能减少临床医生通过检测需要注意的区域来纠正轮廓的时间。我们所有的代码均可在https://github.com/rrr-uom-projects/contour_auto_qatool上公开获得。
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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多限制攀岩机器人的运动计划必须考虑机器人的姿势,联合扭矩,以及它如何使用接触力与环境相互作用。本文着重于使用非传统运动来探索不可预测的环境(例如火星洞穴)的机器人运动计划。我们的机器人概念Reachbot使用可扩展和可伸缩的动臂作为四肢,在攀爬时实现了大型可伸缩度工作区。每个可扩展的动臂都由旨在抓住岩石表面的微生物抓地力封顶。 Reachbot利用其大型工作空间来绕过障碍物,裂缝和挑战地形。我们的计划方法必须具有多功能性,以适应可变的地形特征和鲁棒性,以减轻用刺抓握随机性质的风险。在本文中,我们引入了一种图形遍历算法,以根据适用于握把的可用地形特征选择一个离散的grasps序列。该离散的计划是由一个解耦运动计划者互补的,该计划者使用基于抽样的计划和顺序凸面编程的组合来考虑身体运动和最终效应器运动的交替阶段,以优化单个阶段。我们使用运动规划师在模拟的2D洞穴环境中计划轨迹,至少有95%的成功概率,并在基线轨迹上表现出改善的鲁棒性。最后,我们通过对2D平面原型进行实验来验证运动计划算法。
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The SINDy algorithm has been successfully used to identify the governing equations of dynamical systems from time series data. In this paper, we argue that this makes SINDy a potentially useful tool for causal discovery and that existing tools for causal discovery can be used to dramatically improve the performance of SINDy as tool for robust sparse modeling and system identification. We then demonstrate empirically that augmenting the SINDy algorithm with tools from causal discovery can provides engineers with a tool for learning causally robust governing equations.
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When testing conditions differ from those represented in training data, so-called out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs can mar the reliability of black-box learned components in the modern robot autonomy stack. Therefore, coping with OOD data is an important challenge on the path towards trustworthy learning-enabled open-world autonomy. In this paper, we aim to demystify the topic of OOD data and its associated challenges in the context of data-driven robotic systems, drawing connections to emerging paradigms in the ML community that study the effect of OOD data on learned models in isolation. We argue that as roboticists, we should reason about the overall system-level competence of a robot as it performs tasks in OOD conditions. We highlight key research questions around this system-level view of OOD problems to guide future research toward safe and reliable learning-enabled autonomy.
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KL-regularized reinforcement learning from expert demonstrations has proved successful in improving the sample efficiency of deep reinforcement learning algorithms, allowing them to be applied to challenging physical real-world tasks. However, we show that KL-regularized reinforcement learning with behavioral reference policies derived from expert demonstrations can suffer from pathological training dynamics that can lead to slow, unstable, and suboptimal online learning. We show empirically that the pathology occurs for commonly chosen behavioral policy classes and demonstrate its impact on sample efficiency and online policy performance. Finally, we show that the pathology can be remedied by non-parametric behavioral reference policies and that this allows KL-regularized reinforcement learning to significantly outperform state-of-the-art approaches on a variety of challenging locomotion and dexterous hand manipulation tasks.
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In the Earth's magnetosphere, there are fewer than a dozen dedicated probes beyond low-Earth orbit making in-situ observations at any given time. As a result, we poorly understand its global structure and evolution, the mechanisms of its main activity processes, magnetic storms, and substorms. New Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, including machine learning, data mining, and data assimilation, as well as new AI-enabled missions will need to be developed to meet this Sparse Data challenge.
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In 2019 Kerdels and Peters proposed a grid cell model (GCM) based on a Differential Growing Neural Gas (DGNG) network architecture as a computationally efficient way to model an Autoassociative Memory Cell (AMC) \cite{Kerdels_Peters_2019}. An important feature of the DGNG architecture with respect to possible applications in the field of computational neuroscience is its \textit{capacity} refering to its capability to process and uniquely distinguish input signals and therefore obtain a valid representation of the input space. This study evaluates the capacity of a two layered DGNG grid cell model on the Fashion-MNIST dataset. The focus on the study lies on the variation of layer sizes to improve the understanding of capacity properties in relation to network parameters as well as its scaling properties. Additionally, parameter discussions and a plausability check with a pixel/segment variation method are provided. It is concluded, that the DGNG model is able to obtain a meaningful and plausible representation of the input space and to cope with the complexity of the Fashion-MNIST dataset even at moderate layer sizes.
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